Scholarship Program (Brampton Canadettes Girls Hockey Association)

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Brampton Canadettes Scholarship Awards Program

The Brampton Canadettes scholarship Awards program was instituted in 2010 to recognize and reward commitment to hockey, community and education. The program provides financial assistance to members of the Canadettes family for their post-secondary education. See a list of our well deserving past recipients here.

Five scholarships in the amount of $2,000 are available to be awarded.

Every year the fund rewards outstanding individuals who excel in the arena and the classroom and exhibit qualities of leadership and commitment. The recipients are determined based on their hockey and academic achievements as well as community involvement. All scholarship awards will be announced at our year end banquet and the applicants will be judged by a panel of selected volunteers in an unbiased position.

The application must be submitted to [email protected] no later than March 15, 2025 and the award will be for the following enrollment year once accepted by the recognized school of your choice.

Good luck to all applicants.

Eligibility Criteria: A player is eligible to apply for a scholarship when she

Has played a minimum of 3 years within the Brampton Canadettes organization
Is registered in either a Midget or Intermediate division with the organization in the application season.
Has obtained her high school diploma or is in her graduating year at high school
Is or will be enrolled in a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution within two years of the scholarship award
Maintains a high academic standing in either a secondary or post-secondary institution.
Is accepted and meets all standards required of the institution of choice.
Has not been awarded a club scholarship in a previous year.
Information required

Application form
  1. A letter outlining your contribution to hockey, involvement in the community, volunteer involvements and what hockey has meant to you.
  2. Letter of reference from your school on school letterhead.
  3. Letter of reference from your coach or affiliated organization.
  4. A current copy of your school transcripts.
  5. A copy of your current marks summary.
  6. A 50% weight will be given to your scholastic achievement and 50% to your contribution to hockey and your community involvement.
