UPDATED - U9/U11 Development Skates & Tryouts 2022-23 Season, News (Brampton Canadettes Girls Hockey Association)

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Aug 27, 2022 | Mike Kelloway | 2695 views
UPDATED - U9/U11 Development Skates & Tryouts 2022-23 Season
In accordance with Hockey Canada and OWHA regulations, the Brampton Canadettes will be holding four Pathway Development sessions, followed by three Tryouts for our U9 and U11 Representative programs. 

The Development sessions are only open to players currently registered with the BCGHA, and there is no charge associated with these sessions.  There is a $50 non-refundable flat-rate registration fee for the Tryouts, regardless of how many sessions are attended.

Players who played with another OWHA association in the 2021-22 season must obtain a signed Permission to Skate form from their current association before taking the ice for any of the tryout sessions.  Players coming from boys hockey are not required to provide a Permission to Tryout form.

All players must pre-register via this link.  For current Canadettes who are attending Development skates and Tryouts, please ensure to select both packages. (Pre-Tryout Skills Development & 2022-2023 Rep Tryouts)

U9 Development Skates (Canadettes Only):
#1:  Sept. 6:  5:15-6:15PM  Century Gardens #2
#2:  Sept. 7:  5:15-6:15PM  Century Gardens #2
#3:  Sept. 9:  6:00-7:00PM  Century Gardens #1
#4:  Sept 10:  12:00-1:00PM  Century Gardens #1

U9 Tryouts:
#1:  Sept. 11:  1:00-2:00PM  Century Gardens #1
#2:  Sept. 12:  6:15-7:15PM  Century Gardens #2
#3:  Sept. 13:  6:15-7:15PM  Century Gardens #2

U11 Development Skates (Canadettes Only):
#1:  Sept. 6:  6:15-7:15PM  Century Gardens #2
#2:  Sept. 7:  5:15-6:15PM  Susan Fennell #2
#3:  Sept. 9:  7:00-8:00PM  Century Gardens #1
#4:  Sept 10:  10:00-11:00AM  Century Gardens #1

U11 Tryouts:
#1:  Sept. 11:  10:00-11:00AM  Century Gardens #1
#2:  Sept. 12:  7:15-8:15PM  Century Gardens #2
#3:  Sept. 13:  6:00-7:00PM  Century Gardens #1

*Changes to original schedule in bold
